ZOE International Rescue Site

At the end of January 2020, we had the privilege of prayer walking the future site of the ZOE International Rescue Site in a remote area north of Los Angeles. The proposed site will be the future home for rescued girls (ages 12-17 yrs. old) from human trafficking and the viral sex trade industry in Southern California. What was once a dream and vision for Jim and Carol Hart to establish a refuge for young girls similar to those they helped establish in Thailand has now taken physical form in the United States. This vision has now become a reality as efforts have expanded to improve the 50 acres of land with the installation of water, power, drainage and roads. What we are witnessing is the building of the first phase of the ZOE International site that will eventually have several sites that will include additional housing, chapel, equestrian trails, basketball court and self sustaining garden areas. The facility will remain secluded and protected to provide a safe environment for the young girls to have the freedom to develop, receive much needed love of Jesus and counseling in preparation for placement with loving foster parents.

Vicky McCoy – On site Manager in her future office
View of the future Administration Building/Training Center
Future bedroom area and living quarters
View of future expansion area.